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Help Support the Southwest Tennis Foundation, Inc.

May 13, 2009 11:37 PM



Support the Southwest Tennis Foundation!












As the fundraising arm of the Southwest Section, the Southwest Tennis Foundation, Inc. provides financial support for the mission of the section to "promote and develop the growth of tennis" throughout Arizona, New Mexico and El Paso County, Texas.

Since the creation of the Foundation in 1996, the Foundation has raised funds and given many thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants to promising junior players, and to programs benefiting junior players and special populations such as wheelchair players within the section.

Exciting things have been happening, with more and more after school programs linking young players to their schools
while teaching them "the sport of a lifetime".

Additionally, adult education scholarships have helped get volunteers to workshops that give them the skills to develop and improve grassroots programs.

We are always looking for help to get the word out about the mission of the Foundation, to raise additional funds and to recruit and educate more volunteers.

For information about the Foundation or to apply for funds, contact the Board members listed below or the USTA Southwest Section office.

TO CONTRIBUTE, please send your donation to the Southwest Tennis Foundation to:

USTA Southwest
c/o Southwest Tennis Foundation
7010 E. Acoma Drive, Suite 201
Scottsdale, Arizona, 85254

Thank you to all those that have donated to the Foundation. Your contribution goes a long way in supporting the game.

Apply for a USTA Southwest Tennis Foundation Junior Scholarship

Request For Program/Activity Funding Form

Request Guidelines

Southwest Tennis Foundation Procedures

2008 Southwest Tennis Foundation Board Members

Denise Ariew -- President
Jana Perpich – Secretary
TBA-- Treasurer
John Davis
Tim Russell -- Immediate Past President



