USTA Southwern Arizona will host the SAZ Run and Roll Series, a three-tournament series designed to promote and educate tennis players about paired competition with able-bodied and disabled athlets. Pairings in thes tournament series are one run player (able bodied) with one roll player (wheelchair).
The first of the three doubles-only events scheduled for late fall and early winter will take place, October 23, 6:30-9:00 PM at the Hilton El Conquistador Tennis & Golf Resort.
A second event will be hosted at The Lodge, Ventana Canyon (November 20) and the Westward Look Resort (January 16) will accomodate the third event of this series.
Doubles teams will consist of one non-disabled and one wheelchair player. Participating players can choose a partner and/or be matched up. Winning teams will go to Series final during the Southwest Desert Wheelchair Classic in February. (This is not a USTA sanctioned, so it will not effect player rating/ranking.)
The first event at the ElConquistador Resort will be held in conjunction with the Southern AZ Lupus Foundation Fundraiser Tennis Party. The registration fee for that event is $25 - proceeds will go toward Lupus Reseach. All other Run and Roll entry fees are $10. Entry fee includes a t-shirt and refreshments.
Players can register for the event(s) at the host club's tennis shop or email Sue Kroger at the U/A Disabilities Resource Center,
For Hilton El Conquistador tournament entries contact Jennifer Fuchs,
For The Lodge at Ventana Canyon entries, contact Scott Anders
For the Westward Look event, contact Tom Lepisto,